Split The Costs Of Your Heating Bills


At Bilslands we understand that being able to spread the cost of your home heating oil can help with managing your bills. That’s why our Monthly Budget Payment plan is designed to make it as easy as possible for families to manage their heating oil expenses.

Benefits Of Our Payment Plan

  • Avoid large heating oil bills

  • Spread the cost throughout the year

  • Payments made through direct debit

  • No hassle with cash or cheques

How it works

  • Firstly you must have purchased and paid for your first delivery in full, then start your budget account with a minimum of 2 months paid in credit to the account.

  • One of our friendly staff will calculate the monthly amount based on your annual fuel usage.

  • A quarterly statement is produced at the end of August, November, February and May, enabling you to track your payments and balance.

  • Your payments may be subject to change throughout the year due to the fluctuating market, which will be agreed prior to changing.

    You must meet strict criteria to be able to apply for this. To apply please contact our office on 01360 660264